Lucie  Gagne
Achievements, projects and presentations: Amazon Interdisciplinary Field School  –  June 2012 - ongoing Proposed project and acquired Professional Development Grant to develop a Field School on the Amazon River in Colombia for Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU), conducted field research and feasibility/risk assessments, co-developed the curriculum, coordinated the implementation of the field school; and as faculty leader, currently leading field study groups to Colombia and the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon Field School is an initiative of the School of Design at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in partnership with the Calanoa Project in Colombia, which is working toward a model of sustainable living in the Amazon Rainforest. Participants in the field school are immersed in interdisciplinary and cultural experiences focused on the landscape, people, and ecology of this diverse region. The course is a collaboration between the School of Design and the Faculty of Arts (the first of its kind for KPU).   Video links:              The Amazon Field School @ KPU                       Interview with Lucie Gagné     
Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA)   –   2012 Prepared and wrote the Program Analysis Report and coordinated the site visit, resulting in re- accreditation for the maximum term. The Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) is an independent, non-profit accrediting organization for interior design education programs at colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. Through a process of program self-evaluation and peer review, accreditation promotes achievement of high academic standards, while making education more responsive to student and societal needs. The Council for Interior Design Accreditation is recognized as a reliable authority on interior design education by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The CHEA- recognized scope of accreditation is professional level programs in interior design. Symposium on Engaged Learning, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU), Surrey Campus               May  2012 Presented:  Travel as Education: Toward Developing Global Competency Developed partnership with Metropolia, University of Applied Sciences , Helsinki, Finland      Spring 2012 Design Exchange Partnerships - Field Research,  Australia –  October 2011   Developed exchange partnership with RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia International Federation of Interior Architects / Designers (IFI): Design Futures: The Interiors Entity Regional Think Tank, Americas Region  –  Sept. 2010 Organized and hosted the Think Tank and wrote the report submitted to IFI The Alliance of Canadian Educators in Interior Design (ACEID) Founding president, wrote bylaws and incorporated – 2008-10 CEDEP (Canada-EU Design Exchange Partnerships)  - Field Research, England  – April 2008 Developed partnership with University of the Creative Arts, Farnham, England   Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA)*  Site Visit  –  February 2006 Developed the Program Analysis Matrix and coordinated the evidence of student work / outcomes Consortium on Design Education (CODE) Mobility Field Study Tour, Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico   Organized Student ‘Charrette’ and presentation: Reflection On Exchange Experience    November 2004 Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) annual conference - Joint Presentation: Consortium on Design Education (CODE), The North American Mobility Project;  Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA     2004 Mobile e-learning initiative  –  Fall 2001 Key participant in the launch of a departmental mobile e-learning computing initiative that integrates academic online resources with laptop computers in classroom environments Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) annual conference - Joint Presentation: Kwantlen’s experience of the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) Site Visit;  Chicago, Illinois, USA    2001   Consortium on Design Education (CODE)  – 2000 - 2004 Key participant in partnerships that exchanged 72 students among six university programs in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The North American Mobility Project was funded by Human Resources Development Canada under the Program for North American Mobility for Higher Education (NAMP)